Area/Condo Specialist

Helps you to brand yourself and reach up to 4X more exposure!

A display area for agents to showcase contact details on a specific area/condominium in Malaysia.

Benefits of being on Area/Condo Specialist

Reach out to more property seekers with enhanced UI and features.

Track your purchased Area/Condo Specialist package with summarized information on your iProperty PRO account.

Property seekers recognize you as the specialist of the area/condominium.

By subscribing to the Specialist packages, you may now:

Get Higher Visibility

with In-App Messaging.

Boost Impressions

with customized CTA button.

All About Specialist

Area Specialist

Specialist for property agents who specialized in a specific area in Malaysia.

Available Slots

  • Residential 12 Slots
  • Commercial 12 Slots
  • Industrial 12 Slots
  • Agriculture 12 Slots

Available Packages

  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months

Condo Specialist

Specialist for property agents who specialized in a specific condominium in Malaysia.

Available Slots

  • Condominium, Service Residence, Flat & Apartment 12 Slots

Available Packages

  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months

Check out the business rules for Area/Condo Specialist.

Area Specialist


  • Upon Specialist Activation
  • ✓ Profile Photo
  • ✓ License Number (REN, REA, E No.)
  • ✓ Min. 1 active listing
    *Specific category that agent specializes in
  • During Specialist Subscription
  • ✓ Profile Photo
  • ✓ License Number (REN, PEA, E No.)
  • ✓ Monthly bundled Premium Listing redemption based on your booking duration.
    e.g If you book Area Specialist for a month, you are entitled to one Premium Listing and if you book Area Specialist for 12 months, you can redeem one Premium Listing per month for the 12 months period.
    (The min. Premium Listings requirement has been removed effective 12 September 2023)
  • ✓ A Min of 5 photos (of the selected listing) is required for a successful Premium Listing redemption.

Condo Specialist


  • Upon Specialist Activation
  • ✓ Profile Photo
  • ✓ License Number (REN, REA, E No.)
  • ✓ Min. 1 active listing
    *Specific category that agent specializes in
  • During Specialist Subscription
  • ✓ Profile Photo
  • ✓ License Number (REN, PEA, E No.)
  • ✓ Monthly bundled Premium Listing redemption based on your booking duration.
    e.g If you book Area Specialist for a month, you are entitled to one Premium Listing and if you book Area Specialist for 12 months, you can redeem one Premium Listing per month for the 12 months period.
    (The min. Premium Listings requirement has been removed effective 12 September 2023)
  • ✓ A Min of 5 photos (of the selected listing) is required for a successful Premium Listing redemption.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to full FAQ here.

  • Booking is via Featured Credits and not cash
It is on self-serve channel

  • Monthly bundled Premium Listing redemption based on booking duration on us

  • Premium Listing minimum requirements to maintain as our Specialist have been removed.


How do I redeem the bundled Premium Listing?



Interested in the Specialist packages?

Contact your Account Manager now to learn more. Drop Us Your Query