Upload Photos To Your Property Listing
Attract property seekers with visually appealing photos.
A picture is worth 1,000 words! Property seekers are looking for as much information as possible, including detailed images. Listings with in-focus, bright property images perform the best.
1. Click on 'Media'

2. Upload all property photos at one-go. Click on Add Photo or simply drag and drop from your photo album.

3. Set as Cover: select the most attractive photo that can represent the property as cover image

4. Add Caption to describe the photo. Property seekers will see them when they click on the photos to expand it to full screen.
5. Use the rotate function to ensure the photos are in correct orientation.
6. Click and drag the photo to rearrange the order that interested property seekers will view your photos.
7. Library photos will be included in your listing automatically. Click on Customize selection to view them.

8. To remove these library photos from your listing, click 'Manage Photos' and untick unwanted photo.

9. Click on Next to proceed to publish your listing!
Note: You are not able to customize the watermark. The name on the watermark of the listing property photo and description will match the name displayed in the profile.
TIP! A perfect property photo has good angles, positioning, lighting and staging of property to deliver best property visual. It can be done with your phone, learn and practice the 10 tips to taking quality property photos with your phone.