Premium Project Listings (PPL)

Starting 1 October 2021, Premium Project Listings (PPL) is available for purchase by developers and this listing is visible on the top when property seekers search at a district or state level. What are Premium Project Listings (PPL)? PPL is a listing product which can be purchased by developers to advertise new projects in particular […]

By oangledes183   •  

Starting 1 October 2021, Premium Project Listings (PPL) is available for purchase by developers and this listing is visible on the top when property seekers search at a district or state level.

What are Premium Project Listings (PPL)?

PPL is a listing product which can be purchased by developers to advertise new projects in particular districts. PPL provides value through ranking and is displayed only if property seekers search by district and a developer has purchased a slot in that particular district.

All active PPLs for the districts within the respective state will be displayed on rotation basis at the top of search results at state level.

How do we identify a PPL?

If a property seeker performs a search by district and a PPL slot is running, the PPL will be visible at the top of search results.

For state level search, all active PPLs for the districts within the respective state will be displayed on rotation basis at the top of search results.

Can agents purchase PPL?

No, PPL is only available for developers with new project listings. This feature is currently not open for agent partners.

Are PPL ranked above all listings, including Weekly Featured Listings (WFL) and Spotlight listings?

There is only 1 PPL slot available at any one time per district or state. This means PPL will have minimal impact on WFL, Spotlight listing ranking and overall listings.

For search results based on district and state level, if there’s a PPL running, WFL and Spotlight listing will be visible directly below the single PPL.

However, PPL does not rank above WFL and Spotlight listing when property seekers search at area and project level.

How long will a PPL stay on top of search results for district/state level?

PPL will appear only when a developer has purchased the PPL slot, and PPL will only be visible on the top of search results for district and state searches.

Why are we introducing PPL?

PPL will deliver a more balanced marketplace and enhances consumer value by providing the most relevant search results for property seekers which in turn benefits our agent partners.