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iAgent Sunset

By oangledes183   •  

‘iAgent’ is a personalized website for iProperty Malaysia’s agent to showcase their profile and listings.

It’s built on our legacy system, where it has become outdated and maintaining it has become highly inefficient. The discontinuation of iAgent will allow us to better dedicate our resources to other products and services that deliver greater value for you and elevate your brand.

31 July 2023, 23:59hrs.

Your ‘iAgent’ will be redirected to your Agent Profile page from 31 July 2023 onwards.

Yes, you can edit your Agent Profile through iProperty PRO. Please take note that you can only edit the profile description on iProperty PRO.

31 July 2023. Access to ‘iAgent’ information via iProperty PRO will cease on 1 August 2023 (00:00hrs).

No, your ‘iAgent’ will only be redirected to your Agent Profile page.

No, your account subscription will remain the same.