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How will Dynamic Pricing impact me when I upgrade my listing?

By oangledes183   •  

On the Listing Page:

This page will be indicating all the active listings and listing available for upgrade.

Under the “Upgrade & Review” on Listing Page:

The existing indicators will reflect amount of Featured  Credits needed for the upgrade. This is applicable for all Featured Credits products including; Featured, Premium and Premium Plus.

*Please take note that Dynamic Pricing is not applicable for any Ad Credits products.

A pop-up message for upgrade confirmation will be shown, click on the “Confirm” button to proceed.

A pop-up with a different message will show for listings near expiry:

  • The pop up message will prompt you to both upgrade and extend the listing.
  • E.g. If you select ‘Go Feature’ for 7 days, but the listing is going to expire in 5 days, you will need to spend credits to upgrade and extend the listing expiry.

On the Listing Page:

Once the listing is upgraded, you will be directed back to the Listing Page to view your upgraded listing.

On the Dashboard Page:

Credits, Ad Credits and Featured Credits.

Click the “Credit Usage History” and it will direct to the Credit Reporting.

On the Credit Reporting Page:

Credit Reporting Page.