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How to filter my listings?

By oangledes183   •  

Refer steps below:

1. Listing type

  • Filter listings based on ‘Buy’ or ‘Rent’
  • Activated filter will become blue.
  • Click on the selected blue filter again to deactivate.

2. Category type

  • Filter listings based on ‘Residential’ or ‘Commercial’
  • Activated filter will become blue.
  • Click on the selected blue filter again to deactivate.

3. Property type

  • Filter listings based on property type
  • Select option available in the drop down list.

4. Listing tier

  • Filter listings based on listing tier
  • Select option available in the drop down list.

5. Unit type

  • This filter is only available if you have selected an option from ‘property type’ filter.

6. Price range

  • This filter looks for listings within a specific price range defined by minimum and maximum price.

7. Clear

  • This button clears all the selection you have made so that you can start a new search.