How Do I Improve My Listing’s Performance?
Listings with high impressions and quality get more views, and in turn more leads!
Now that you have created a listing, and gotten a sense of how your listing is performing with the help of Listing Performance Insights, are you wondering how to improve its performance?
To improve your listing’s performance effectively, it is important that you first understand the user journey of a property seeker, and which stage of this journey, also known as the Conversion Funnel, your listing needs improvement on.Understanding the User Journey of a Property Seeker
On our platform, property seekers first search for property listings that fit their requirements, then they browse a collection of relevant listings on the search result page, followed by clicking into listings that interest them for more details, before finally deciding whether to contact the agent through various means (message, phone call, SMS, WhatsApp, etc) to gain further details or book a viewing appointment. Through this journey, a property seeker is led through a Conversion Funnel, where listings with high impressions will get more views, and in turn more leads!Conversion Funnel

With Listing Performance Insights providing you with the performance health of your listing at every step of the funnel, you will know which specific performance needs enhancement!
How do I improve on Impressions?
‘Impressions’ is the number of eyeballs that have seen that specific listing among other similar listings, and here are a few ways you could generate more eyeballs for your listing:
1. Repost
Reposting a listing will allow your listing to appear on the top of the search result page. Reposting your listing also automatically extends its expiry date, which is 32 days from the new post date. Please refer to ‘Repost a listing’ article for further information
2. Featured Agent By booking a Featured Agent slot, it guarantees that your selected listing is pinned as one of the top 7 exclusive spots in specific search results, above all Turbo, Spotlight, Repost and Regular listings. It will remain there 24/7 for the duration of your booking.
Your listing tile will also:
Be labelled exclusively with "Featured Agent"
Have an extra-large upsize on the desktop image carousel and cover photo
Have your profile and contact details prominently displayed
Have a WhatsApp Button on search results
The Featured Agent will be booked using Prime Credits. Read further about Featured Agent.
3. Turbo
Turbo listing provides up to 8X more* listing exposure than a regular listing, with
Extra-large desktop image carousel and cover photo.
Top-ranking spot above Spotlight and regular listings.
WhatsApp button on search results and ads-free listing details page to increase chances of enquiries.
Read further about Turbo.
How do I improve on Views?

'Listing Views' is the number of times your listing detail page has been seen by property seekers. They might have clicked on the detail page from search result pages, or gone straight in from external sites such Google or Facebook.
Here are a few ways you could generate more views for your listing:
A picture is worth 1,000 words! Property seekers are looking for as much information as possible, including detailed images. Listings with in-focus, bright property images perform the best. Upload clean images with no text or overlays, and select a cover image that best portrays your listing - learn how. Tip: 10 tips to take quality property photos with your phone
2. Compare Pricing
The most important factor to consider for property sale/rental is how to price it correctly. Owners must pick the absolute right price tag based on how much they think their house is worth. Buyers must know that they are paying the right price for the property they like.
Professional agents play an important role in advising owners and buyers and advertising the listing in order to generate results from the advertisements.
Find the right price for your listing by comparing recent selling prices of comparable properties in the same district; same property type; about the same size; and with similar features, like views, amenities etc.
Learn more at ‘How to determine the right property price?’
How do I improve on leads?

When property seekers are interested in learning more about your listing, they reach out to you for more information. The listing performance insights keep track of how many times property-seekers click on an unmasked agent’s phone number and the number of messages or even WhatsApp that have been sent from property-seekers through that listing.
Apart from ensuring that your listing’s Impressions and Views are healthy to increase the chances of lead generation for your listings, here are a few more ways you could generate more leads:
1. Improve Listing Quality Score
Property seekers are hungrier than ever for more listing information, listings with complete information are more likely to land a potential client. The Listing Quality Score is an indicator as it is a good guide for agents on what makes a quality and complete listing.

2. Create an attractive agent profile
Your PropertyGuru profile is public to all property seekers. Property seekers are looking to work with a trustworthy agent, and this is your first step to establish your personal brand. Here’s how to create an attractive agent profile.
Ensure that all details for the property that property-seeker is interested in and have a clear Call to Action in your listing description to invite them for viewing. Be sure that you have a professional and attractive Agent Profile already setup to highlight your experience and accolades. Lastly, the faster you respond to an incoming enquiry, the more likely will property-seekers would continue engaging with you.
For general enquiries, please reach out to our Customer Service at the following:
Phone: +603 7932 7555 (Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm, closed on PH)
For technical assistance, please message us via WhatsApp at +60 12 697 5023
Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm, closed on PH (no phone call, message only) and we will get back to you within 1 working day