Find your listing on PropertyGuru
How property seekers search your listing?
Once your listing is published, it will appear on PropertyGuru website.
To search your listing, type the condo/building name in the search box. If it's a landed property, type the area name.
Select condo/ building/ area from the drop down list. Do filter it with the correct search criteria, whether it's a for sale or for rent listing. Ensure to select either residential or commercial listing.

In the search result page, the latest published listing will be displayed on top of the search result.
You may find your listing based on their publish/ repost timing. You may further filter them by listing type, property type, price etc.

To gain higher exposure, you may feature your listing and it will be featured on top of the search result for a week.
You also can explore residential areas in Malaysia by scrolling down to bottom of the page to "Explore areas in Malaysia" and click on "See All Areas".

Note: If your listing has no photo, it will be displayed after the all listings with photo so make sure your listing contains a minimum of 3 photos.
Tip: Repost to keep your listing fresh and be found by interested property seekers.
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