Report Listing

To ensure iProperty remains the go-to website for property seekers, we aim to collectively ensure that property listings are true, updated, responsive and safe for all users with a “Report” feature on property seeker facing listings.

By oangledes183   •  

To ensure iProperty remains the go-to website for property seekers, we aim to collectively ensure that property listings are true, updated, responsive and safe for all users with a "Report" feature on property seeker facing listings.

A feature to enable property seekers to report listings that are deemed to have breached iProperty’s listing guidelines.

29 February 2024

All logged-in users / property seekers using the consumer-facing site of iProperty.

All agent listings will now include a “Report” button on the consumer-facing site of iProperty.

To ensure iProperty remains a safe and inclusive website for all, we are launching an enhancement to all listing detail pages to ease reporting of problematic listings and uncooperative behaviour directly to us.

Step 1 : Click ‘Report’

Step 2 : The user will be prompted to log-in, if have not already done so. Otherwise, this step will be automatically skipped.

Step 3 : Fill in the appropriate fields and click ‘Submit’.

*Please note that a user can only report a specific listing once.
**The flow for reporting is same for both mobile and desktop users.

The details of the complaint will flow to iProperty and will be evaluated on a case-to-case basis.

Property seekers will be informed with a notification after a report and a permanent notice for revisits to that specific listing.

This notification will appear on listings to users if they’ve made a report previously.

There will be no changes to the user interface and experience to iProperty PRO users.

  • Misleading information such as inaccurate price, size, location, photos and details.
  • Problematic listings such as it is no longer available, duplicates, unauthorized, fake and discriminatory.
  • Uncooperative agent behaviours such as uncontactable and discrimination.

* This is a non-exhaustive list.